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The simulation produces three optimal configurations of three types of generators, namely Solar Cell, Hybrid Power Plant and Wind Power Plant. The most optimal configuration is the Solar Cell system with the smallest NPC value of Rp3,6 B and this system has a solar panel capacity of 142 kW, a battery capacity of 461 kWh and an inverter capacity of 50 kW.</p>2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Bima Sakti, Aji Ery Burhandenny, Restu Mukti Utomo, Happy Nugroho, Adi Pandu Wirawan of Automatic Cooker Hood Using NodeMCU2024-06-13T04:40:46+00:00Mohamad Istiyo Hadidjaja Rasjid Dhiya<p>Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) poses a significant health risk due to long-term exposure to carbon monoxide-containing kitchen fumes. Installation of a cooker hood or kitchen smoke extractor with an automated fan is crucial for prevention. This study employed a research and development approach to evaluate the effectiveness of utilizing the NodeMCU ESP8266, MQ-7 sensor, 16x2 I2C LCD, and overall system configuration. Experimental results revealed the MQ-7 sensor's rapid response to smoke intensity changes, with an average 3.77-second response time and a range of detection up to 10cm. Relay testing for fan speed control, using three voltage inputs (5V, 9V, and 12V), categorized conditions as SLOW (PPM>10), MED (PPM <11 & >20), and HIGH (PPM>21). The tests demonstrated optimal performance, as the system successfully adjusted fan speeds based on varying smoke intensity levels, ensuring a healthy air quality environment.</p>2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) Implementation of the EAR Method in Detecting Drowsiness in Vehicle Drivers2024-06-13T04:45:16+00:00Andy Rohman ainur.rohman101@hotmail.comWahyu Setyo<p><em>Based on data from Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Sector, the number of traffic accidents throughout 2020 was 7,565. With a factor of 1,018 drowsy drivers or 13% of the total incidents. A solution is needed for that. The aim of this research is to calculate the average value of the duration of detection time and the number of flashes per minute, by knowing when the driver is drowsy or not drowsy. The method used is Eye Aspect Ratio (EAR), where the driver will be detected whether he is sleepy or not, by analyzing the parameters of the number of blinks per minute and the duration of the blinks. If the eyes are open (EAR value) less than 0.45 and more than or equal to 3 seconds in one blink, it is categorized as sleepy. Tests were carried out on lighting, namely: morning, afternoon, evening and night light. Test results in daylight and evening light conditions with a light intensity value of 78 lux mean the duration of drowsiness detection is 3.26 seconds and the difference in time duration with the reference theory is 0.26 seconds. Meanwhile, for night light with a light intensity value of 15 lux, the average duration of drowsiness detection is 4.04 seconds and the difference in time duration with the reference theory is 1.04 seconds. Meanwhile, the number of blinks per minute when you are sleepy is 5-8 blinks/minute and when you are not sleepy it is 13-17 blinks/minute, for morning, afternoon, evening and night light conditions. It can be concluded that overall, this system can work well for day and evening and night light conditions.</em></p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Andy Suryowinoto, Ainur Rohman , Wahyu Setyo Pambudi of Damage Handling in The PT Petrokimia Gresik Factory Conveyor Safety System Using The Naive Bayes Method2024-08-22T04:05:18+00:00Fashoma Yudha Anggana AlkhaqiqiAadja485@gmail.comDenny<p><em>In the industrial world, the speed of the production process plays a very important role in influencing industrial profits. One of the factors that determines production speed is the conveyor. PT. Petrokimia Gresik is one of the industries that uses conveyors, which pays great attention to accuracy and control of material speed. The function of the conveyor is to send raw materials from PT Petrokimia Gresik fertilizer to be processed. Three safety devices are installed on this tool, namely the low speed switch, outlying belt and cable pull switch. However, this complex security system makes it difficult for field technicians to handle conveyor problems. Problems that occur with conveyors, especially in the electrical and instrumentation parts, are sometimes difficult to find. Therefore, the author had the idea to conduct research related to conveyor problem solving analysis using the naive Bayes classification method. The results of the calculation between naive Bayes calculations and expert opinion show 100% agreement, which is an optimal result. It is hoped that these results can help field technicians in diagnosing and resolving problems when problems occur with conveyors.</em></p>2024-04-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Fashoma Yudha Anggana Alkhaqiqi, Denny Irawan PID Parameters For Temperature Control System in Cavendish Banana Storage Room 2024-06-13T04:42:05+00:00Rahman Boedi Ali Ridlomaliridlo12345@gmail.comAlsaro Natanael<p><em>Banana is one of the most popular fruits in Indonesia, and its freshness will be the top priority for consumers in choosing it. After packaging, special treatment needs to be done in the banana storage room. One of them is to keep the temperature of the storage room stable. The temperature of the room between 5<sup>o</sup>C to 10<sup>o</sup>C is the ideal temperature for storing bananas, the Control system offered is PID with the Ziegler-Nichols method to get the values of Kp, Ki and Kd. Determination of Kp, Ki and Kd values is very important to get good system stability and a small error. The tuning rule of Ziegler-Nichols 1 method can be applied to obtain the values of Kp, Ki and Kd. With several steps taken, the values of L = 90s and T = 206s are obtained and referring to the Ziegler-Nichols 1 table, the values of Kp = 2.7, Ki = 0.015 and Kd = 121.5 are determined.</em></p>2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Rahman Arifuddin, Subairi Subairi, Aries Boedi Setiawan, Muhammad Ali Ridlo, Alsaro Natanael Ziliwu