DC Motor Speed Control using Particle Swarm Optimization based on Labview
In Industrial applications, DC motors are commonly applied because of high reliability, ease of control and ability to provide accurate speed. However, to get accurate speed control under several operation conditions such as disturbances and changes in the load is significant challenge. This research explores the implementation of particle swarm optimization (PSO) to tune parameters of proportional-integral (PI) controller. PSO that is a population-based optimization technique, is inspired by the social behavior of swarms. It is a population-based optimization technique. By automation process in the algorithm. Using the tuning process of PSO, it can effectively obtain the parameters of PI controller. experimental hardware using DIGIAC 1750 is used to assess the performance of the proposed method. The parameters of and are 0.7492 and 0.2007, respectively. The results show that the performance of the DC motor using PSO tuned by PI for , , and are 0.3687 s, 0.5106 s, and 0.6051 s, respectively. Furthermore, when the system is given a disturbance, the response can come back again following the setpoint and when the setpoint is changed, the response can follow the setpoint quickly as well. The proposed method can address the challenges associated with DC motor speed control.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rifqi Firmansyah, Muhammad Badruddin A. M., Mochamad Masnur K., Prayuda A. G., Muhammad Rafli F., Pressa P. S. Saputra, Ahmad Althobiti

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