Automated Chicken Balance Technology To Reduce The Risk Of Death In The Chicken Weigh-In Process
Teknologi Penimbang Ayam Otomatis Untuk Mengurangi Resiko Kematian Pada Proses Penimbangan Ayam
The chicken of the pemeats or broillaries is an excellent breed of highly productivity controlled
by the chicken in the production of meat. These broillaries have been popular in Indonesia since the 1980s
where the powerholders created a grass-consumption program. Only 5-6 weeks of chicken can be harvested.
At the chicken farm in the pijeran village owned by Mr. Lucky Bahar and the chicken weighted by hand, by
tying the chicken feet and hanging the chicken upside down when weighed. This treatment often results in
bruising and disfigured parts of the chicken's body especially in the leg. Apart from physical defects,
chickens often experience stress that causes chicken death. This results in loss and loss of quality in the
broiler to be sold. From some of the problems experienced by the partner, we offer a technology that can be
used to weigh chicken with more humane treatment by using arduino uno asa control and equipped with a
servo motor that will be used to direct chickens to weigh areas. In addition to reducing defects and deaths
in chickens, the farmer can weigh chickens in such large quantities that it takes time to know the weight and
the price of the entire chicken at a shorter time. Where a chicken at the gate of the servo will row the
chicken to the transit area to be pointed at the scales. The chicken weighted only takes about 10 seconds and
then the LCD shows the total weight and the price of the chicken weighed.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rika Apriliana, Igoh Iqbal Pratama, Ansory Makruf, Resza Alfiansyah, Desriyanti

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