Design the Back-Up Line of Power Supply Automatic Fireplace Building in Angkasapura II Bandung
Perancangan Jalur Back-Up Catu Daya Listrik Gedung Pemadam Kebakaran Secara Otomatis di Angkasapura II Bandung
Angkasapura II is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) that serves air traffic travel using airplanes which cannot be separated from the need for electricity. Almost all services use electricity, without exception the PKP-PK Building or the fire fighting building. This is because this building has an integrated fire detector that is connected from every room throughout the Angkasapura II area directly with the PKP-PK Building or the fire department building. The problem is because the PKP-PK power source is still sourced from the TNI AU base and has not been sourced from PT Angkasa Pura II. It is feared that if the main source of PKP-PK electricity is interrupted, there will no longer be a backup power supply in the PKP-PK area. From the results of this study, a backup power supply line for the PKP-PK area was made from Angkasapura II, with this if the main electricity had problems, the area could operate smoothly because it had been backed up by the electricity supply from PLN and the Angkasapura II Genset. .
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Manfrigos. 2015. Studi Uninteruptible Power Supply (UPS) Tipe Online Untuk Suplai Daya Pada Distributed Control System (DCS) Di area CL02-11 PT. IKPP. Universitas Lancang Kuning
Herman, Suraji, Yayan Analist UPS sebagai penyuplai daya listrik Angkasapura II Bandung
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